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Our Services

Sedation Dentistry

For patients that experience dental anxiety, sedation dentistry offers a relaxing, anxiety-free alternative to normal dental care.

Contact us now to request information!

Advances in dentistry make treatment more comfortable and convenient than ever. Most dental procedures can be accomplished with minimal local anesthesia. Some patients prefer to have surgical procedures or extensive dental treatment with the assistance of dental sedation. Thomasville Dental Center offers multiple sedation options for anxious patients.

Intravenous (IV) Sedation

Dr. Sanders holds a Georgia professional license that allows him to sedate his patients intravenously. Using this approach, a very small IV is used to administer medications that help you feel completely relaxed during your procedure. Patients are able to respond to requests from the dental staff during the procedure but do not remember the appointment the following day. This can be helpful for patients that experience extreme anxiety about their dental treatment.

Getting ready for your dental sedation procedure:

  • If you choose to be sedated, you cannot have anything to eat or drink (water included) for six hours before your appointment.
  • We require that you are accompanied by an adult that can drive you home afterward.
  • We recommend that your companion stays with you until all the effects of the sedation have worn off.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Also called “laughing gas”, nitrous oxide sedation is inhaled through a fitted nose mask that is worn during dental treatment. Nitrous creates a relaxing feeling. You are awake, able to answer questions and respond to instructions. The effects of nitrous oxide are temporary and end as soon as the mask is removed. Nitrous oxide sedation is used with a local dental anesthetic to help make treatment comfortable.

Children are good candidates for nitrous oxide sedation. Being relaxed and comfortable during treatment helps to create a positive dental experience. Our goal is to make children look forward to seeing us again!

Sedation dentistry has helped patients complete the necessary dental treatment without fear. We always want to help our patients overcome any obstacles that stand in the way of their dental health. If you experience a high level of anxiety about dental treatment, please do not hesitate to contact us to learn more about sedation dentistry options.

Contact Us

396 Liberty Street
Thomasville, GA 31757

(229) 227-9070

FAX (229) 227-6299